is developing a loyal following of dog lovers. Bradenton area dog lovers are following the local news and events on Because this web site is dedicated specifically to dog news – you’ll have no wasted impressions or dollars, its safe to say that visitors on, either have a dog, are thinking of adopting a dog or are very close to someone with four legs.
Advertising in the Doggie Directory on is easy and economical. Just $25.00 per month (with a three month minimum).
To get your business listed, send an email to [email protected] with:
- Your business name and location
- Type of service or product
- Web site (if any)
- Your email & phone number
- Tag line, (if any)
- Your logo, jpg, gif or bitmap
We’ll get it posted within 48 hours of receipt of payment. Payment may be made through PayPal or by check.
Customized advertising and promotional packages are available to local pet businesses and companies with a message for dog lovers. is always on-line and always current!
Please call our office at for more details 941-379-1440