There is a growing groundswell in Manatee County to make our county no-kill. At present, around 55% of animals turned in at or captured by Manatee County Animal Services are euthanized, in large part because there is nowhere for them to go.
On Saturday April 30, five residents of Manatee County, including three members of The Animal Network and two managers of Manatee County Animal Services, attended a one-day presentation on how to create a no-kill community. The presentation, in Houston Texas, was given by Nathan Winograd. Winograd is the leading expert on creating no-kill communities and has successfully done so across the country.
The attendees were:
Laurie Crawford, Animal Network President and President of the Manatee County Animal Services Board
Sue Kolze, Vice President, Animal Network
Jean Peelen, Animal Network member and member of the Manatee County Animal Services Board
Kris Weiskopf , Chief, Manatee County Animal Services
Joel Richmond, Supervisor, Manatee County Animal Services
The no-kill presentation was fact-filled and thorough and a step-by-step guide for how to create a no-kill community. All of the participants came home convinced that with the help of the public, the media, the rescue groups and shelters we will successfully create a no-kill county in Manatee.
For more information about no-kill, fostering, adopting, or volunteering your time to save animals call Jean Peelen 896-5827 [email protected], or Sue Kolze, at 729-8631 [email protected].