From The Dog Dish Diet by Dr. Greg Martinez
Canine Crock Pot Recipe: Dr. Greg’s Basic Select Starter Recipe.
This is a good recipe to use when you want your dog to lose weight and also a good one to use when you first start out.
Put half of a whole young fryer (about 2-3 pounds) and 5-6 pounds of frozen green beans in the crock pot. Add 8 oz. of chicken livers. Cover the mixture with water and cook on high for 2-4 hours, then on low for 8 more hours. (Or, on high for 8-24 hours like I do when I forget, but that’s another story!)
Stir all of the ingredients to blend them and let cool for a couple hours then refrigerate. Skim the layer of fat from the top of the pot. Doing so will reduce the fat content to 10-15 percent.
Use veggies in the mixture to satisfy carbohydrate, omega oil, fiber, and vitamin requirements and also because they have a lower glycemic index than white rice. Brown rice, white rice, white potatoes, or sweet potatoes can be used for those animals that hate or are intolerant of green veggies. As I stated above, sensitive dogs may vomit or have a few mild bouts of diarrhea when first introduced to the crock pot diet.
The amount of chicken and fat in the diet determines the caloric density and amount to fed to dogs. The more chicken you use, the more calories in the mixture. Dogs will maintain their weight or even gain weight with more chicken in the mixture.
EEDING: So how much canine crock pot cuisine do you feed your dog? Imagine your dog weighs about 20 pounds. It may need 200-1000 calories per day depending on its metabolism and activity level. Obese dogs with poor muscle development need less. Fit, active dogs need more. A 20-pound obese dog may only need 200 to 400 calories per day to go from the dog bed to the bowl twice daily . The average 20-pound dog that likes to play needs about 600 per day. A 20-pound maniac may need 800 and up to 1000 calories per day. You can also adjustthe amount of calories in the mixture by adding more meat and fat or reducing the meat and increasing the veggies. Cooking a whole fryer instead of half really increases the calories. You can find a complete discussion of calories and feeding in Dr. Greg’s Dog Dish Diet, starting on page 106.
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