By: Debbie Capobianco
- Your first order of business in researching a property is to check the deed restrictions. Many homeowners association restrict certain breeds and also have weight requirements. The same goes for condominiums, and apartments.There are also some home communities that do have breed restrictions and sometimes also the limit of how many animals you can have. It is horrible when someone doesn’t check and then they come to find out that their dog is not allowed and they either have to find a new home for their dog or move out. Please don’t let this happen to you.
The safest spot for your dog to run around in is in a fenced in area, obviously in a condo you cannot have a fence, but in most homes you can. Some communities also have restrictions on the type of fence you can have and the height of it, so this is important information to have, know your limitations as well.
In Florida, almost any body of water, a lake or pond or stream can have an alligator at some time. It is very rare that a alligator will attack a dog, but it does happen, always watch your dog near the water If you don’t want to block your view of the lake, it would be best to get an invisible fence, so your dog does not go too close to the water, it works well and keeps your dog safe.
Research the plants that are in your yard, some are toxic to our dogs and cats and you should know what they look like and what symptoms to look for in case of accidental ingestion.
It is not advised to leave your dogs outside for extended periods of time, please remember the Florida sun is very hot and your pet can become dehydrated very quickly or even get heat stroke. But when they are outside in your fenced yard, be sure that they have easy access to clean water and a shady area to relax in.
- Remember we share our communities with our neighbors. A bored dog that is left outside is likely to bark or be destructive. Constant disturbance to your neighbors can lead to ugly situations and may result in a fine. Don’t leave your dog outside for an extended period. It’s not safe for the dog.
Pools can also present a safety issue. Get your pets accustomed to the pool, teach them where the steps are so if they accidentally fall in they can swim to the steps and be able to get out. Repetition is the key here.
A new place is sometimes scary to a new dog and it might take them sometime to get used to their new surroundings. If at all possible ease them into the new move, by leaving them for short periods of time alone in the beginning till they know they are safe and have adjusted to their new place. It really helps to decrease their anxiety level by taking these simple steps. Invite them to smell and check out every place of your new home with them.
I’m here to help. You can reach me here or call 941-704-2394.