By: LBK-9
It’s been a long time since the last update. Many of you have asked where we are in the process. So here is a brief update.
The dog beach committee of seven residents met 5 times over the fall and winter to study dog beach issues and to formulate a proposal to present to the Town commission. This was no easy task and the information out there is multitudinous. We feel we have left no stones unturned. We have enough information and are in the process of trying to condense it into a concise proposal worthy of presentation to the commission.
I provide here little bits of information. We named the group LBK-9 Coalition.We wrote a mission statement. We have a logo, we have set up a Facebook page and have just recently set up an on line petition, which we need you to sign. The link is below. One thing we learned during the process was that we must show local (LBK) support for a dog beach. There is a lot of opposition and the show of support is going to be a crucial element of our proposal. Thus the on line petition. Below I am copying and pasting the e mail that each of you were to get from the on line website. For some reason, I am learning that not everyone got their e-mail. So the link is below within the body of the e mail that the petition site originally sent out. Please sign the on line petition. Your information is safe and only your names will be used in a show of support for this effort. I ask you to sign the petition and to share it with others. It is listed on the Facebook page but we need all of the exposure that we can get. Recently there was an article in the USA Today, May 15th, speaking of the effort of communities all over the country to obtain a fair share of the beach for themselves and their dogs. LBK was mentioned in the article. The effort was on ABC channel 7 in Sarasota and Bay 9 news in Tampa. So there is interest out there. The task at hand though is convincing the LBK Town Commission of the importance of a dog beach designation.
So, below is the petition e mail. Please read, link on to the website, sign the petition, and pass along to all that you think will be wiling to support our efforts. If in our zest to reach out to everyone you may receive this petition request twice. We apologize. We hope to present the petition and the proposal to the commission in the early fall and hope for approval by the end of December or January. Thank you in advance for your support.
LBKLUVSDOGS for the LBK-9 Coalition Click here to sign!
My name is Jamee Damron, I am a dog lover living in Redondo Beach and am interested in getting a designated area of beach near me for off lease use. Can you give me some insight on where to start this process, I would really appreciate it.
Good luck in your venture!
Jamee Damron
[email protected]
Hi Jamee, we’ve passed your information on to the LBK folks who are working toward a designated beach. Good luck!