This is an update as to the progress of Animal Services as we move forward with our No Kill plan.
from Chief Kris Weiskopf
Thank you to everyone who has been instrumental with assisting, volunteering, fostering and overall support of our programs and efforts.
Our medical director, Dr. Luke Berglund revised cleaning protocols for the shelter operation which will better the quality of life for the pets in our care since their health is of utmost importance.
To provide the public with a variety of pets for adoption, we are placing some small breed dogs into our adoption program. If, after seven days, the dog has not found its forever home, any rescue may adopt the dog for the adoption fee offered at the time.
More adoption events are in the works. We are planning regular off-site adoptions at two of the local feed stores who have welcomed our program.
Nicki Bentley has been instrumental in taking the lead coordinating volunteers, dog walkers, setting up the pit bull program and several other projects. We are always in need of volunteers for a multitude of duties and assignments. Please contact Nicki by email at [email protected] if you are interested.
Rescue groups (animal welfare organizations) are instrumental in the success of a no kill community. With the new addition of a certified veterinary technician on staff and our medical director, new protocols are in place for intake procedures. Upon intake, each pet is vaccinated, visually checked and photographed. Be assured that we do our best to make sure any pet you transfer to your organization is in the best health. Also understand most of these dogs and cats impounded have no known medical or behavioral history. We encourage you to check our website often and transfer dogs and cats to help us reach our goal. We cannot do this without the help of your groups.
The impound time limits has changed recently. Currently dogs are held for five calendar days and cats are held for 3 calendar days before disposition is made. The reduction in impound time helps us to move the pets through our facility to their new home more quickly.
Shelter staff schedules have changed, shifting staff to varied days off, making for the maximum staff working each day to provide the best possible care for the impounded pets in our shelter.
Several of us went to Washington, D.C. on August 11-12 for the National No Kill Conference.
A contractor has been awarded the contract to install an engineered air handling system throughout our impound, treatment and adoption cat areas. This system will provide exchanged air and reduce the chances of respiratory disease.
A fenced area has been installed on the south side of Animal Services as a play area for multiple dogs. This will help with exercise and socialization.
Animal Services has openings for anyone who would like to foster a pet. We are in need of foster parents for “bottle baby” kittens and any other dog or cat, including those pets who are sick and in need of rehabilitation. We ask giving them a temporary home, a place to live away from the shelter until they can find their forever home. We will provide all medications and food for anyone who would like to foster. We need your help!
I never thought I would ever use such a cllaor on any of my dogs (Weimaraners/German Wirehair Pointer) but last summer I purchased three cllaors. I can honestly say its the best training tool I have ever bought. Our GWH tends to roam far afield, but is very obedient to come back when whistled at. The problem was my 2yr Weimaraner would roam with him, one evening Addy (Weimaraner) didn’t come back, we had just moved that day when this happened. Luckly, she found her way home, tongue dragging the ground and tail tucked behind her. Fearful this might happen again I purchased the cllaors and have found them invulable!But I caution anyone considering buying one if you don’t already have the time and patience for your dog and its training then stay away from them. Take the time and learn the patience your dog will teach you that is the best training tool you could give yourself.GhostPoint Weimaraners