Looking for an idea to keep your kids off the Internet? How about the No-Kill Pumpkin Decorating Contest? As a benefit for Pip’s Pantry, Bayside Pet Resort has established this project to allow kids and adults to demonstrate their creativity in pumpkin decoration without ever wielding a knife.
Checking around town, pumpkins are running about.49 cents a pound at Dettweiler’s (we found pumpkins there just a little smaller than a bowling ball fro $1.99.) You can use paint, buttons, glitter, or ribbon to adorn your jack-o-lantern. For kids, you might consider washable markers and non-toxic fabric glue.
Grand prize is $100.00!
The entry fee is $5.00, please drop your pumpkin off before 10/30 at Bayside Pet Resort, 8154 Tamiami Trail, or call 941-351-0730.
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