The 2nd Annual Poker Run Saturday Jan 18, 2014 will benefit Animal Network’s No Kill Fund, providing medical and heartworm treatments to save lives of Manatee County Animal Services shelter pets.
Register at Manatee River Harley Davidson,624 67th St Cir E, Bradenton, FL 34208 from 10-11 AM with the last bike out by 11.30.
The stops this year will be Peggy’s Corral, Duffy’s,
Island Time and ending at O’Shucks by 1pm.
Again there will be prizes for best and worst poker hands,
many restaurant gift certificate raffles, and two grand prizes of a day’s Harley rental from MRHD a nd 3 days, 2 nights stay at Anna Maria Island Resorts, Tropic Isle Resort.
The event will be open to the public from 1 pm ~ 4pm at O’Shucks, with cold beverages, outdoor BBQ, full menu and full bar inside and live entertainment by TC and the Trouble Makers.
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